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Affordability Check

Want to see how much car you can afford? Our easy-to-use finance calculator helps you estimate your weekly payments based on your budget and preferred term. Simply adjust the details and see what works best for you.We offer flexible finance options tailored to suit your lifestyle. Let us help you find the perfect car within your budget!


Choose Term (Months)

Repayment Frequency

Estimated Weekly payment


Apply for Finance

Ready to take the next step? Our simple application process is quick and easy, with flexible finance options to suit your needs. Whether you’re buying your first car or upgrading, we’ve got you covered.

  • Competitive interest rates starting from just 9.95% on car loans.
  • Flexible repayment options to suit your budget, with our car loan repayment calculator to help you estimate your payments.
  • No deposit financing for those who want to drive away with minimal upfront costs.